In installing openoffice3 in ubuntu we have to first remove the existing openoffice from our system
sudo apt-get remove openoffice*.*
download a copy of 3.0 (OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz worked for me) and extract the download:
tar -zxvf Ooo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz
That will create a directory called something like OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358
Switch into the DEBS directory in that directory:
cd OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358/DEBS/
Now all you need to do is install all of those .deb packages:
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
That will do the trick. Once you’ve given your password your system should install all of the required files.
With that done you should have just one thing left to do: Install the desktop integration package. That should be in the DEBS folder:
cd desktop-integration
From that folder install the package:
sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9354_all.deb
If everything works out you should be able to open 3.0 from the Applications menu on your desktop.
Disclaimer: It is always a good idea to backup your important stuff before removing applications and installing new ones.
One other problem with removing my previous version of was that my aspell spellchecker got messed up. Coincidence? Maybe, but if you have the same problem you may need to re-install aspell-en to get your spellchecker for apps such as pidgin working again.